Saturday, March 4, 2017

Funny Training Story #2

There's a girl at work who is a bit OCD, or neurotic, or lets say what I call a "worry wart"
Some people are quick to act when the situation arises. Others ask questions first, and by the time they act, the event is over. She is the 2nd one.

I'll call her WW here. So, the other day, we found out a company is comming through to visit. We already have several jobs we do for them, but they are considering more, so every work station must be clean and orderly. This is something I have been trying to do since forever, and I am often going to this person's area, asking her to keep items related to her job [like paperwork, scrap bins, ect] at her work cell and not on [or under] the table of the work cell next to her.

 I am kicking stuff out that doesn't belong, and putting it away, hauling garbage out ect, when I walk past her. WW is doing a job that doesn't take a full amount of time, and is booked as a 1/2 OP [Operator] job. I tell her [knowing she is one of our worst offenders when it comes to work cell organization] "Company is comming through, so anything you see that is out of place, feel free to take care of it"

WW: Who is comming?
I'm still walking
Me: XYZ company
Her:  Why are they comming?
I stop, hands full of stuff
Me: I don't know
I do know but it will take too long to explain. If I say to think about giving us more jobs, she will say "which ones?" or "what kind?"
I continue walking the stuff to the dumpster, and when I  return she says:
WW: what about this?
Me: Yep, that would be great, thanks!
WW: How about this?
Me: Awesome, please take care of that
This contintues for each thing she puts away.

Later I am removing old [non compliant] lables from returnable totes next to her work station that I had pointed out to her first thing in the morning needed to be done. [she didn't do it obviously] She is watching me [not helping], and asks again

WW: Why is XYZ comming?
Me: To look at us for more jobs
WW: What kind of jobs? [BINGO!]
Me: I don't know
WW: Why not? I thought you knew everything
Me: Think of it  like we both sat down at the same time, in front of a TV where a movie is playing, and you asked me what it's about
WW: You know we don't watch the same things

Yeah, and we don't live in the same world either! LOL

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