Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Stupid Am I?

We are keeping an eye out for a cheap second car, but for now we have to make one car work. DH has to be at work at 2pm weekdays, and I get off at 1pm 3 of those weekdays, so it's working . . . until an unexpected event occurs. Since I get paid on Wednesdays, I drive him to work in the city, visit to the Chiropractor, do all my other errunds, and pick him back up at 10pm, unless he can get a ride home from a co-worker who lives near us.
So last Wed. went without a hitch . . . until later that night when my brat tells me I have to go to her BasketBall game tomorrow. I haven't been to any this year, because of my back. I had promised her I'd go to the one on her B day, and then dinner after, but the game was called off because of a whole lotta snow, then she tells me she may have Strep Throat again. Ok, so I owe her one.
I tell her she should have told me 2 days ago, so I could plan on having the car on Thursday instead of Wednesday. She insists I have to go to this game.
Not being one to break a promise, or waste a trip, I decide if I have to take DH to work in the city again, I should check out a pet store to see if I can find a companion for my Chocolate Crested Society Finch, who lost his 2 [Lady Gouldian] buddies of 5+ years in recent months. He had been alternating singing with hanging on the front his of cage calling for his buds and I was worried he'd die soon without at least one new buddy. Even Charlie the love bird was starting to become irritated with his constant calling.
Plan set, I drop off DH to work, and went to the closest pet store. As luck would have it, they had one finch left, and it was a Society Finch, a funny looking white one, but it ought to get along with another Society Finch. They even gave me 20% off cuz he/she/it was the last one. They made me sign a paper saying I wouldn't eat it, or get mad if it expired on me after 15 days, and put it in a box the size of a desk stapler.

OF COURSE once the bird was in the car, my brat called and tells me I HAVE to bring rice crispy treats to the game. It's 30 degrees out, but I did bring a blanket, so I figured I could loosley wrap blanket around small box containing the new companion, and run into Sam's club real quick on my way home. I quickly found the treats, tucked them under my arm, and ran to the checkout. The chekout guy is staring at me funny, and I ask him if he has never seen anyone come through the check out with one item before, and he says no. I tell him this is all I need and I have a bird in my car, so I am in hurry. [yeah, THAT will make him quit staring at me] So I give him a $20 for a $8 & change item, and he hands me back $41 and change. I look at the bills and tell him he gave me too much change. He tells me I gave him a $50, and I insist it was a $20 [I know because all I had was a couple $20's] and tell him to check his drawer. He insists again, but I insist again, and it becomes obvious I'm not leaving. So to get the drawer open without calling the manager, he rings up the next lady, opens the register, and there is my $20 on top of the $50's. Now he's not sure how much change I am due, and the lady behind me rudely tells him to give her, her change because she is in a hurry. OK he gives her the change she is due, and then figures out after I gave him back the 2 $20's he owes me $10. Proper change in hand, I am back on my way, thinking why was that so hard? If God wants me to have an extra $30, I truly believe He will find a way to do it that won't cause someone to lose their job. and wouldncha think that guy ought to be just a teensy weensy bit greatful?

Home safe and sound, I place new Society Finch in a cage next to my Chocolate Crested Society Finch so they can look at each other for awhile. I managed to take a short nap. DH called me at 6:30 to remind me to go to game. I assure him I am going. Brat calls me at 6:45 to remind me, and I tell her I won't make it unless I get off the phone. I then ask where the game is, and she says in the main gym.
I have never seen anything like this school. I went to a practice once and I must counted 4 gyms, not including the pool room, weight room, wresting room [oh yeah, a seperate wresting room!], having to peek in each gym, and stare at the kids playing BasketBall, and see if one of them was mine. That was so much fun, I was really looking forward to it again!
I get to the game after parking miles away [ok, maybe only one] and carry the stupid rice crispy treats under my arm [this is starting to become my signature - won't Dooney & Bourke be jealous!!] while holding my hood on my head against the wind with my other arm. I get inside, and walk forever turning down endless hallway after endless hallway until I see a table with a cash box on top and a teenager behind it. I pay the girl $5, find a seat and sit down to watch them practice.
I made it and I think I am golden! It's 7:15, I'm here, I have treats, and um, hey, I'm here!
I sat there the whole game watching my brat run up and down the court, while waiting for someone to tell me what to do with these treats. I got nothin. Game ends, everyone leaves, and I guess I better too. Signature treats under arm once again, I leave, walk to car [wind was with me this time] start it and pull it round so brat can get in an almost warm car.
Brat calls me, and asks where am I? I tell her I am outside waiting for her. She begins a tirade of why didn't you wait, and didn't you see all the other parents, ect. I told her she should have told me where to go, and I didn't see any other parents, and then I hung up. She gets in the car, and is still mad at me.

Appearently I am very stupid. I can't buy rice crispy treats right, or even go to a BasketBall game right.
The Chocolate Crested Society Finch probably thinks I am stupid too. Where are his green and purple friends, and what is this strange mostly white bird doing here?

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